une conversation avec Lucie V, la première personne avec qui j'ai développé une amitié en France quand je suis arrivée en 2014. On était à la fac ensemble à Paris 5, on s'est rencontré en amphi. elle m'a aidé à déménagé en décembre, on a pêté la batterie de la voiture en laissant les fares d'urgence allumé. Ici, durant la quarantaine, on skype et j'enregistre notre conversation pour mettre à la radio. C'est dans l'émission "le pringtemps manqué" du 15 avril que je la met. L'angoisse a monté, je suis passé dans les bourgeons des rails du tramway, et j'ai voulu tombé en larmes. Ici Lucie me montre la plante qui a poussé dans son compost.
Hi, it's katarina for baklawafm. It started online in october 2018 in Mulhouse. Screening films and putting the live stream on an inertnet radio. Livestreaming with D. while eating breakfast, putting the songs that seemed important to us. Reading the headlines from different sources. Sharing Sources and Playing with the immediate passing of time.
In november 2018, I called MNE, a station on the ground floor of the DMC factories in Mulhouse. L. and J. who I had gotten on the phone invited me immediately to come and talk with them, and they let me have as much time as I wanted. I decided two hours randomly, because before it had been from 3 to 8 hours online. The first show was a collective one in Strasbourg, with a group of students and teacher of the HEAR. We had written speculative fiction all week and decided to share them on the radio. There were 15 or so of us, making an order, making sound, live-streaming our word play. That's how Madiana and I met, she writes stories, she is a countess and loves being on the radio. She took over in march 2019 for a month long residency and after that, stuck on and we started doing Kat-Mad on a permanent basis.

When alone on BaklawaFM, I would often vehemently invite people I crossed paths with who expressed even a minor interest in radio. Sometimes we would be a handful in the studio (like December 5th's show) and sometimes I would be alone. Thank you to Yolanda, Nina, Karl, Matthieu, Laura, Léna, Xantia, and all the participant's during this time.

In July 2019, Léa took up residency for a month on Baklawafm, after we'd met in Strasbourg a few months before. She started with interviews she'd done with des barreuses de feu. She joined us permanently as well after that.

Since the beginning, D. would stop by and play radio, make a dedication to her grandmother Laurette who'd passed away, and started doing her own shows in fall of 2019.

We've been working as the 4 of us since autumn 2019, trying different formats over long periods of time.
sauerkraut : very easy to make and very healthy. A cabbage also recognized as good for the brain, as its shape resembles a brain. Keep it simple :

1. fill jar with cut up cabbage.
2. add a tsp of salt
3. add water or whey (obtained from fermented milk or milk that has been curdled and strained)
4. stick it somewhere cozy, not in sunlight.
5. let it sit a couple weeks..
6. eat it as you like.

I was born and half raised in South Carolina. My grandparents live in Winston-Salem. They have often been on baklawafm, I record our conversations when I visit them, when we are on the phone. There is nothing that can be invented that is as touching as the way they speak. Their sweet accents and their sweet subjects. Talkin' about ways of living and dying but nothing too deep, it's all about the tone.
Jo Andres is a film maker, choreographer, artist. "Black Kites" was based on artist Alma Hajric's journals during the siege of Sarajevo. I saved this picture from her website, i thought it was touching. reminded me of a place that could've been home.
This is an ultimate ressource, a work of organization of both practical and thoughtful knowledge. please delve. Lexie Smyth is doing incredible work.